لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُl

Don’t forgot
about our Malaysian singer and songwriter Yuna also had once came out with a
unique hijab style that is a Turban Looking Hijab. Year by year, she came out with her own style
of fashion that she had been recognized in the Western world with this kind of
style. Starting that moment, more and more hijab fashionista was born with a
fresh looking hijab fashion and style. Muslim woman become creative on their
own way. But some ‘Hijabista’ also have different kind of fashion. Some like to
wear dress and loose cloth as long as they are comfortable with what they wear.
There are
plenty of Trendy Fashion style for women with hijab out there. Here I list
out some of the styles:
1. Hijabster style
During 2014
a term of ‘Hijabster’ or ‘Hijabers’ become famous in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Simply, ‘Hijabster’ is a woman with a hipster fashion wearing a hijab. They
usually can be spotted with a skinny looking jeans, bright colors clothes, some
make up, high heels and always with a modern looking lifestyle.
2. Hijab Fashionista / Modern style
A stylish
style that can be seen anywhere around the world. Mostly worn with dress or long skirt and
3. Lolita Japanese style
This Lolita
trend was inspired by the cute baby doll like fashion. Lolita is actually a
modernized Victorian-or Rococo-style dresses and outfits with a heavily
accessorized and painstakingly coordinated into elaborate costumes. Muslim ‘lolita’
fans had match those clothes with a Hijab making it an outfit to wear daily.
4. Arabic style
Arabic style usually come out with a black abaya or dress match with a
layered shawl wrapped around their head. This style is not only famous in the
Middle East but in Malaysia also.
5. Saree style
A matching of
saree and suitable type of hijab making this style suitable to be worn during
any type of occasion for those who love to wear saree. For any Muslim woman, covering her
body is the utmost priority so make sure that the entire saree covers
6. Modest Hijab style
Most people
with this style usually wears long hijab that covers the chest fully with a long
loose dress. Wanting to be stylish but yet follows the modest way of clothing.
We can even
come out with our own style that suits us best. Hijab fashion has become more
flexible but we need to remember that the main purpose of wearing hijab
for a true Muslim woman, is not to be stylish or to display your beauty in an
aggressive way, but rather to follow the commandment given by the Creator.
Allah says (interpretation of the
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”
[al-Ahzaab 33:59]
So how about
you guys? Which Trendy Fashion style do you prefer?
lebih suka gaya simple dan memenuhi syarat...
Yeah, asalkan menutup aurat dan tidak terlalu ketat ^_^
Deletenampak sgt sejuk mata memandang ^_^
ReplyDeletesuka lolita. Hahaha, comel je <3
ReplyDeletecomel kan ^_^ suka juga tgk lolita tu
Deleteyg lolita tu comelll...tp prefer yg simple2 kemas je..:D
ReplyDeletehaha..samalah, tak pndai nak yg mcm tu..asal kemas sudah cukup
DeleteModest hijab palik cantek.eh! heehe
ReplyDeleteHahaha, tgk modest style or tgk heliza tu :P
DeleteAs a man, I prefer woman in bawal.. haha personal opinion ja.. =)
ReplyDeletehahah..boleh personal opinion sgt dialu-alukan
DeleteBawal x luput dek zaman
Deletei choose simple, but still look nice! hehehe
ReplyDeleteNice lah..haha
Deletesuka modest hijab style.
ReplyDeletesbb haliza comel bedooh :)
yg pntg mwngikut syariat
Tudung bawal sudah. Pening lah tgk fesyen mcm2 ni. Hikhik.
ReplyDeleteSis follow blog adik no..Follower 1538.Herliza comel sangat.
ReplyDeletehijab is meant to cover aurat.
ReplyDeletenowadays, most of the women misuse the hijab.
they cover their head but they expose their body.
those who cover their bodies from head to their feet, alhamdulillah.
dalam2 byk2 style, yang lolita tu paling taleh blah, huhuhu :3
ReplyDeletesuka semua style kecuali turban.. heheh.. tapi kalau diri sendir, Lissa prefer shawl simple dan bawal jaa. hehe
ReplyDeletelolita & hijabster ^^
ReplyDeleteSemua cantik tapi akak x reti nak bergaya...
ReplyDeleteyg last paling win..comey je...tp klau sy..selesa bawal aje..cme sjak ade anak kecil ni mcm leceh nk kne iron..so the best option is instant shawl yg kain jenis xrenyuk...simple & nice..
ReplyDeletemacam macam style ada sekarang ni. tak pandai sangat nak lilit shawl.hehe.. sebab saya pon baru belajar nak pakai tudung, so bawal is the best la. sometimes try juga pakai shawl,tapi lilit yang biasa je, takde nak tgk tutorial segala hehehe
ReplyDeleteSemua cantikkan.. tiada alasan utk tidak berhijab!!bagus info yang diberikan..
ReplyDeletesuka gaya heliza helmi! <3
ReplyDeleteHm.. want to try something new but yeah... I'm a simple girl so still wearing hijab commonly. I'm comfortable like that.
ReplyDeletestyle yuna tu mmg Fiza x berkenan langsung.. hijab tp npk aurat..
ReplyDeleteits fesyen kan.. tp yg simple tu la sejuk mata memandang..
ReplyDeletefesyen2 semua cntik..
ReplyDeletenombor 2 dgn 6 tu saya suka. yang lolita style cute sangat! tapi kat malaysia belum pernah nampak lagi org pakai gaya tu hehehe
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum..mcm-mcm sekarang trend berhijab, lebih jika berhijab itu memenuhi syarak dalam islam..Janganlah ianya berlebih-lebihan dalam berhijab.... Jemput yer pengomen tegar untuk memeriahkan lagi suasana kontest MYiDEAKiNi yang sedang berlangsung...