Words that most students love to hear

Diya Hanun | 3:56 PM | Sunday, December 13, 2015 | 11 Awesome Comment's
لسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُl‎

As a student myself, words that I love to hear are:

1. Class cancel for that day
2. Holidays and more holidays!
3. Free Foods!
4. No presentations and assignments~
5. .................................(Fill in the blanks. Please come out with your own words >_<)

Well luckily tomorrow is a public holiday for my Uni and most Selangor people. Friday was a public holiday + this monday. What a long holiday. And starting 19-27 December also a week of holidays! One of my foreigner's friend once said to me ''Being in Malaysia, we are blessed with a lot of Holidays!''. Well, I agree with that.

So many assignments to do yet too lazy to start. Lols! Sometimes I procrastinate a lot! But yeah I managed to submit my works on time. Alhamdulillah, *Suddenly proud of myself (≧∇≦*)


  1. i do procrastinate a lot sometimes. ehehhe :D btw, tu semua ayat-ayat yang sangat menimbulkan kebahagiaan.

    1. hahahah...masa tu je bahagia..tapi kelas dah strt terus sedih

  2. rasanya tu je kott word keramat..hoho

    1. hehe..untuk orang bekerja yang paling best mesti word Holiday kan ^_^

  3. Wah sangat syiok bila takde class, hooray! Sikap procrastination tu sis suka amalkan, ntah bila boleh berubah.. Hurrmmm not good right..

  4. Kalau sekolah tu paling sronok keluar ayat "cikgu takde" yang tu paling bahagia. Hahahahahhaah

  5. oleh sebab Lissa tak pernah rasa jadi student u.. Lissa pernah rasa time STPM jaa.. "cikgu cuti/kursusu/meeting/el, study sendiri sendiri.." hahahahhhaa

  6. So true. Happy dia memang smpai joget2 kat bilik tuu. LOL :P


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